An investment in creativity and design is simply good business.
— Former Vice President and General Manager of Creative Cloud at Adobe, Mala Sharma

In 2016, Adobe’s global study on creativity in business identified that 85% of U.S. respondents said creativity makes them better leaders, parents, and students. But only 31% of respondents felt they were living up to their creative potential. Vice President and General Manager of Creative Cloud at Adobe at the time, Mala Sharma, said, “This survey provides a big wake-up call to businesses that they need to think differently and give employees the tools and freedom to be creative.” 

Tiffany Thompson partners with companies feeling this tension. They want a more creative, artistic culture but don’t know how to get there. Target areas include:

  • Developing art-focused corporate social responsibility strategies.

  • One-on-one coaching for emerging and burnt-out leaders.

  • Ideating alternate modalities of business development.

  • Internal arts initiatives and employee engagement programs.

  • Experience design for the hospitality industry.

Sessions start at $250/hr and monthly retainers start at $2,500. To learn more, please send us an email.